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A visit to the website blog



I visited the website today, and I was surprised to find that this is a website all dedicated to the horses of kerala. They have been conducting surveys on the number of horses in kerala. In one of their articles, they have written about how many people who own horses in Kerala comprises only 10%. This shows that there are still many people who have not come to know about this site yet because it is so new!

I came to know about this website last week,

I came to know about this website last week, when my friend told me that it was a good place for information about horses and horse riding in Kerala. I was looking for information about horses and horse riding in Kerala. I searched on google and found this website by searching on google.

This is a website all dedicated to the horses of kerala,

This is a website all dedicated to the horses of Kerala. It has links to facebook and instagram for people to contribute. They have been conducting surveys on the number of horses in Kerala and other states like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka etc., which will help them to increase their database of information about these animals so that they can be displayed more efficiently on their site later on.

They have been conducting surveys on the number of horses in kerala.

The survey was conducted in 2016 and it was done by the Horse Owners Association of Kerala. They have been conducting surveys on the number of horses in kerala, which is around 1.5 lakhs. This survey has been done to find out their numbers, how many breeds are there in kerala and what percentage of land has been used for agriculture due to horses

I found some interesting information about horses from this website.

I found some interesting information about horses from the website

I was surprised to see that there are more than 1 million horses in Kerala, which makes it the third largest horse population in India. The survey says that there are only 150,000 horses in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, which means that almost half of all horses in India live in Kerala! And these are just the ones we know about; imagine how many more there could be out there!

It also says that most people think that only rich people own horses; but actually you can buy one for as little as Rs 200 ($3). If you want to buy your own horse then check out www.Kuthira‘s website for advice on how best to care for them – especially if they’re yours!


I found this website to be very informative and it has helped me learn a lot about horses in Kerala. The site also has a blog which has interesting articles on horses from around the world. I would recommend anyone who is interested in horses to check out this website as well!

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